I thought I would share a list of our favourite books we are reading right now:) I had this blog post drafted before the school’s closed down to to the virus that is sweeping the nation. We are now stuck at home reading the same books over and over again. That said if you search ” children’s books read aloud” on you tube there are some really great kids book on there. I will post some links at the bottom of this post! A few of the books we are loving are ones from when I was a child and I am so pleased to be re-reading them and seeing Maxi really love them to.
1. Balloonia– I Absolutely LOVED this book when I was a kid!! Its really a story about where balloons go after kids are done with them. The main Character Miranda doesn’t believe there is magical place called Ballonia until she is taken there and see’s first hand how wonderful it is. I remember reading this book over and over again so I check on AMAZON to see if it was still available and it is!!! Maxi loves it just as much as I did when I was a kid so its great to have in our collection.
2. PIG the Pug -Maxi loves all the PIG the PUG books she can get her hands on because she finds that cute little pug sooo funny!!!
3. CORDUROY – I used to lave books about the sweetest teddy bear Corduroy. A Pocket for Corduroy is a a walk back in time when people used laundromats on the regular and the little bear gets left behind in one overnight. The furry bear’s search for a pocket of his own takes him on an adventure filled with the sights, sounds, smells and hazards of the Laundromat. The graphics of these old books are draw me in every time.
4. In MY HEART – Is a book about the many emotions children face in their day to day life. The book has beautiful illustrations and is a simple read. It is a great way to help little children identify feelings they have experienced.
5. The Curious Garden – We enjoyed this book about a little boy in a city who finds an abandoned garden and decides to take on the responsibility of caring for it, eventually turning it into a botanical wonderland that transforms the entire city.
6. The Night Before Easter– Maxi is obsessed with looking for the eggs hidden on each page of this Easter spin on the classic Christmas poem.
7. You Don’t want a Unicorn – It SOUNDS great to have a unicorn for a pet. But do you know how much trouble a unicorn actually is? When a small child finds a wishing well and carelessly wishes for a unicorn of his own, he discovers just how NOT magical having a unicorn in the house can be.
8. Happy Easter Little Critter– I have always liked Mercer Mayer’s Little Critter books. This is an Easter classic that is funny, and heartwarming.
9. The Paper Bag Princess– You cannot go wrong with this classic book and all kid’s love Robert Munch stories. Maxi just cannot get over the paper bag dress in the book. She always points to it and asks ” why is she wearing that” every time!
10. Where is my Teddy– A hilarious read about a Teddy that has grown much to big to cuddle.
And that is it for this one and cooperation!!!
I am always on the hunt for new good books to add to our collection so Please let me know any suggestions you have. I am feeling the need to rotate and circulate books among each other while this pandemic is going around. If any Saskatoon Mom’s are willing to do a book swap every couple of weeks I would be happy to help organize.
5 Links for you tube channels we watch/listen to children’s books from: