There is an article going around the internet called ” The Mom Stays In The Picture” in the Huffington Post. This article inspired many of us mothers to step back and really think about ourselves and our legacy we are leaving our children. I had a baby 3 months ago and I have avoided having my picture taken ever since my first baby was born 3 years ago. I did not loose the weight I wanted to from the first and for sure not even close to loosing enough from the second baby. I hide when my husband brings out the camera and tries to take a photograph of me playing with my children and this is tragic. My kids need to see me in photographs with them. They need to see the love we shared throughout the years. I do not want their childhood photos to go without documenting a single moment… why am I excluding myself from those moments? I am excluding myself because I don’t want my rolls to show, I have not washed my hair in god knows how long, did I brush my teeth today? When I am long gone and all my kids have to remember me by is pictures I know they will never say ” Oh I wish mom would have been 10 pounds lighter in the picture of her and I playing together….damn she ruined that one with her big thighs”.
It is so important to exist in photos with your children for so many reasons. I decided to open up this idea to my facebook followers and have them submit their stories as to why the avoid the camera. My inbox was flooded and I could only choose 4 mom’s to makeover. Shevawn from Salon 6 in Prince Albert generously donated her time and talent for the make up and Crystal from Salon 6 did the hair. These 4 ladies came out to my acreage for a mini session donated by me. My hope is that if they do not love their images that one day their children will!
This project has inspired me to do as many mom and me portraits as possible. If you would like to book a mom and me mini session I will waive my usually session fee of $150 if you mention this blog post. That is right…. I will do a FREE mini mom and me session for you and your children. All I ask is that you invest in a little pampering of professional hair and make up and I will gladly help create magical memories for you and your children.
Exisiting in Pictures for Children

My name is Janna and I currently live in Saskatoon, Sask. I have an in home studio space that I use for shooting newborns, milestones and motherhood sessions.
All in all, I am surviving on coffee and very little sleep but I am happy. I have the privilege to work with absolutely wonderful families who trust me to hold their little bitty babies and honour me with the creation of their memories. I do feel truly blessed. I would love to meet you and maybe learn a little bit about you and your family!