I had a hospital session done when I had my middle child and those memories and images make me bawl at the drop of a hat. The moments in the hospital were a complete blur and I actually never had labour as I had planned sections. I cannot imagine how much that would have been intensified if I had laboured for hours and hours. I have in print the EXACT moment Jack became a big brother. The exact second of life that forever changed him I have on record for him to hold and pass down to his own kids one day.
First, let me explain what a Fresh 48 session is. A Fresh 48/ Hospital session is a newborn session that is done at the hospital in the first 48 hours of you having your baby. So how do you know if a Fresh 48 session is right for you?
1. Shorter Session
A Fresh 48 sessions is much shorter than a full blown newborn session or an in home session. The photos can be captured quickly and you don’t have to worry about what your house looks like or packing up baby and all their belongings to drive to a studio. This is the ideal session for people who want photos of their new baby without all the hassle.
2. Life is on Pause
There is a calm that comes after the labor and before you get released from the hospital. Once you are released, all the realities of everyday life will be back. The laundry, chores, and responsibilities that come with just living life. Right now though, you have time to just focus on the newness of your little baby and are able to bond as a family. Having a photographer document this time will be a great way to remember it and to remember the newness and excitement of it all.
3. Unique Session
A Fresh 48 session is much different than all other newborn photography. While an in home lifestyle session will also be shot documentary style, meaning it will be unposed, using natural or available light. A fresh 48 session gives a unique point of view of what your little family was like just hours after forming. You will never be able to capture these little moments between your family again. Read that sentence over again.
4. Firsts
Capture all the firsts. You can capture your baby’s first yawn, first time meeting grandparents, first diaper changes, and just your baby experiencing life outside the womb for the first time. There is nothing like it.
5. Change
Babies grow so fast and change so much. There are a lot of differences between a baby just hours into life and a baby that is a few weeks old. Capture that wonderful miracle that is new life. If you are thinking of scheduling a fresh 48/Hospital session with me get in touch and we can talk about how it all works. This session is part of my baby membership program that I have that is becoming so popular. We capture baby from bump, to hospital, all the milestones in the first 12 months with an amazing 1st year session at the end and finally a family session when baby is about 15-18 month. These memories are truly priceless and I am here to make it easy for you!