I am in love with this illuminated maternity session I did a number of weeks ago in my studio. As my style and taste is evolving into a much more neutral and simple palette I hope my clients are on board with my vision and Laura and Zoe nailed it! The moment before a first born becomes a sibling for the first time is extremely precious to a mother and I love to document it. This is that last time your first baby will have your undivided attention. Your love grows and so does your ability to tend to each child, however that time with your first born is something that should be soaked up as it will never be the same again. I remember bringing my second child home and I just look at my first born and bawled my eyes out…. of course it was a large part of postpartum hormones but something inside of me felt terrible for “breaking” that bond we had. It sounds crazy to even write but if I could go back to the days with just my one son I would probably soak him up just a little bit more before our family expanded.
Prince Albert Maternity Session

My name is Janna and I currently live in Saskatoon, Sask. I have an in home studio space that I use for shooting newborns, milestones and motherhood sessions.
All in all, I am surviving on coffee and very little sleep but I am happy. I have the privilege to work with absolutely wonderful families who trust me to hold their little bitty babies and honour me with the creation of their memories. I do feel truly blessed. I would love to meet you and maybe learn a little bit about you and your family!