Sloan came in to the studio to capture her 6 month milestone. Sloan had more fun playing on the bed so we captured her sweet smile and 2 little teeth popping up. Milestone sessions are part of my signature baby program whereby I photograph babies 1st year milestones such as pregnancy , newborn, 3 months or smiling, 6 month or sitting and finally when baby turns one we go out with a cake smash. All Baby Plan/milestone clients pick a boutique frame at the end that showcases these sweet milestones. I really really love watching these babies grow over the time and goving parents a final product is truly rewarding!
Milestone Session Sloan Six months

My name is Janna and I currently live in Saskatoon, Sask. I have an in home studio space that I use for shooting newborns, milestones and motherhood sessions.
All in all, I am surviving on coffee and very little sleep but I am happy. I have the privilege to work with absolutely wonderful families who trust me to hold their little bitty babies and honour me with the creation of their memories. I do feel truly blessed. I would love to meet you and maybe learn a little bit about you and your family!